Charity Work

Charity Event in Suffolk - Pink Ladies Tractor Run UPDATE

Pink Ladies Tractor RunPink Ladies Tractor RunPink Ladies Tractor Run
Pink Ladies Tractor RunPink Ladies Tractor Run

Dawn Le Gros, based in Suffolk, took part in the Pink Ladies Tractor Run on Sunday 2nd July, with over 190 tractors (and people!) taking part.

The morning started well with the sun shining down on everyone but later in the day it clouded over and became cold as they were driving towards the finish at Thorpe Abbotts airfield.

Annie Chapman, the organiser, has now raised over £1 million for Cancer Research (Breast Cancer Appeal) over the 20 years that this event has been running.

Dawn's personal total so far for 2023 is £871.00, and she's hoping there's still more to come in.

If you would like to add to Dawn's sponsorship and contribute to this worthy cause then follow the link below to the Just Giving page:

Pink Ladies Tractor Run Pink Ladies Tractor Run

Charity Event in Suffolk - Pink Ladies Tractor Run

Pink Ladies Tractor RunPink Ladies Tractor RunPink Ladies Tractor Run

Dawn Le Gros is a member of NATIONAL Country Link and a regular attendee at the National Weekends.

She has asked me to let you know that she will be taking part in a charity event on 2nd July 2023. This is to raise money for Cancer Research UK (Breast Cancer Appeal).

There will be over 100 tractors decorated in pink, all driven by ladies, and travelling around 20 miles.

The tractor run will start from Thorpe Abbotts Airfield at 1130 hrs, travelling through Harleston around 1230 hrs, and stopping at Gawdy Hall Meadow, Redenhall (IP20 9PB) at approximately 1300 hrs for a picnic lunch. Everyone is welcome to join Dawn at lunchtime (please bring your own picnic). The run then carries on to Pulham St Mary where Dawn expects to be at around 1550 hrs.

This event has been taking place since 2004 and, to date, has raised £896,000 for the cause. This year they are hoping to raise a further £104,000 so that they reach a total of £1million raised since its inception.

The photos are of Dawn at previous years' events.

More information about this event can be found on

If you would like to support Dawn you can do this through the cancer research fundraising link

Somerset, Wiltshire, and Dorset Country Link

Yewstock School cheque

The weekend organisers presenting the cheque to school staff.

In Autumn 2019 the National Weekend was held in Weymouth and hosted collectively by Somerset, Wiltshire, and Dorset. The fund-raising activities, together with a top-up from Somerset club funds, enabled the groups to give a donation of £1000 to Yewstock School, Dorset. Yewstock is a day community school for children with learning difficulties.

Northamptonshire Country Link

Farming Community Network cheque

The cheque was presented at the Corby Weekend.

Cheque handed to Allyson Bottrill from the Farming Community Network for £1250, which was the money raised for them over the October Weekend at Corby.

Many thanks to all the companies that supported us by donations of raffle prizes and charitable donations received by members of Country Link.

A truly memorable weekend.

Cheshire Country Link


The cheques were presented this week.

Cheshire Country Link hosted the Spring National Country Link weekend at the Forrest Hills Hotel and Frodsham,Cheshire 7 to 10 June 2019.

Over the weekend via various means we raised £1021 which has split between Christies hospital and cancer research £510.50 each.

Cornwall Country Link


Our club members got together yesterday afternoon for a quiz and a Sunday roast at the Pants Charity cafe in Penryn.

Pants is a local charity that provides rehabilitation facilities for people who have undergone cancer treatment in the Pants area. It is crucial that these small local charities receive our support for their survival.

We were able to raise approximately £150/200.

Many thanks to our members for their contributions.

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Staffs Air Ambulance


At their dinner/disco on Saturday 28th April at Amerton Farm Staffordshire Country Link were delighted to raise through the raffle a total of £190 for the local Air Ambulence.

RNLI Bridlington

Following our Mad March weekend a donation was made to the Bridlington Station of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

Click here to read the letter received from them

Swimathon for Marie Curie

Maria, Andy and Clare Marie Curie logo

Country link took part in the swimathon at Etwall Leisure Centre.

Maria, Andy and Clare swam 1.5km in the pool and have raised roughly £200 for Maria Curie.

A lovely morning spent chatting on the pool side for a wonderful cause.

Presentation to Skegness RNIL

rnli01.jpgrnli02.jpgDerbyshire country link have just returned from a bracing Skegness to present a cheque for £500 to the Skegness lifeboat station.

Making use of the Royal Hotel voucher where we stayed in November 2015 for the autumn Country link weekend hosted by Derbyshire. Yes it was Turkey and Tinsel time all over again, but no Her Majesty the Queen, as on other duties.

Our evening was spent at the Embassy theatre with the Chicago blues brother on stage and us dancing in the isles. The following morning after a great breakfast, we venture for a walking the bracing sea air, to return to present the Cheque to Ray, the Cox man from the boat.

After wishing them well on their training day for Sunday and a cuppa, we bided them goodbye.

Thank you to you all who took part in the tombalo, raffle and visited the Staples farm at Wrangle on the Saturday at the weekend, which all helped the raise this money.for Skegness RNIL.



STOP PRESS! London Marathon 2015

As you know from the Autumn Weekend, I was doing the London Marathon this year to raise money for Guide Dogs following a promise I made to my Mum the evening before she died. I would like to say thank you now for the £166.00 raised at the weekend and other money that has come in from Warwickshire Country Link and other money that is still coming in. I finished in a time of 9 hours 45 minutes, not fast enough to get my goody bag or a medal, but I had the satisfaction of knowing I completed the course.

Lorraine Clark - Warwickshire Country Link

Charity Work with Cornwall Country link

Motor Neurone Disease cheque

Valda and I this evening we were invited to attend our local Motor Neurone Disease AGM and presented a large cheque of £450 that we raised at our Christmas party in memory of a dear friend and member of Countrylink, Jackie Snow.

This money was raised by doing our Christmas cracker tombola and the traditional raffle.

North Warwickshire Country Link

hearing dogs logo

The North Warwickshire country link group have made donations to two charities.
The Derbyshire Leicestershire and Rutland Air ambulance received £70.00 which was the chosen charity of Paul Dwes who gave the group a talk on the first wind farm in the south Leicestershire.
He also showed slides and a short film of the different stages of the Construction of the turbines.

A volunteer from hearing dogs for the deaf gave a talk and showed films on the work of the charity.

One of the films showed the training of Cocker spaniels, Poodles and a Cockapoo at the head quarters which is located at the princes Risborough the dogs are trained to a alert deaf people that the door bell is ringing and The post has dropped through the letter box. The telephone needs to be answered and wake deaf adults and children when the alarm clocks ring. Three of the films showed the dogs working with the owners.

A collection was held after the talk and £80.00 was raised for the work of the charity.

Cheshire Country Link raise funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Cheshire Country Link recently organised a charity disco with proceeds going to the Teenage Cancer Trust. Will Bostock, whose uncles are both members of the club and whose family have been great supporters over the years by hosting events etc, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2011 when he was just 16. Will underwent gruelling treatment and a 15 hour operation last year and is currently recovering very well.

The event was a huge success, and all tickets were sold out resulting in a packed village hall on Saturday 27th April. Over 175 tickets were sold and everyone enjoyed a disco with hot beef and pork baps together with puddings provided by club members. A raffle was also held and members had obtained lots of very generous prizes. The total raised from the event amounted to £1341.50 which will be split between the Teenage Cancer Trust units at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital both in Birmingham where Will had his operation and treatment.

April 27th, 2013

A Christmas Cracker

Cornwall Country Link raised £120 for the Cornwall Children's Hospice at their Christmas Party in December 2011. This money was raised through a Cracker Tombola. Raffle tickets were "hidden" inside Christmas Crackers and sold to members attending the party. When the cracker was pulled it revealed the raffle ticket as well as the usual joke, hat and gift. If the raffle ticket matched a ticket on a wrapped prize the lucky person also won a surprise gift - thanks to generous donations from members. We could have sold many more crackers! So we are going to do the same again this year and hopefully raise lots of money, this time for Cornwall's Air Ambulance.

October 25th, 2012